Submit your Aussie rental FREE listing in the category of your choice.
Aussie Holiday Rentals Directory is a perfect place for any business to enhance their online Holiday Rental presence at no cost.
It allows you to advertise your business property rental details anywhere easily for FREE.
This includes Hotels, Motels, B&B’s, Homes, Flats, Caravans, Units, etc.
FREE LIST your entry now in Aussie Holiday Rentals Directory
by REGISTERING and Logging in with your Business name.
PLEASE NOTE: Facebook Register no longer possible due to FB changing global terms.
Hope to see you logged in on the website soon – you can change your password and add anything to the website in your logged in admin panel.
When you Login with your Business NAME it is simple to immediately operate in the website as follows.
You can change the name displayed on the website to be different from your initial login name in ‘EDIT my Profile’ settings. Go to ‘NickName’ and change to the Name you want, then go to ‘Displayed Name Publicly As’ DropDown to the ‘NickName’ you entered prior. ‘SAVE’ Profile.
ONLY Accommodation or Travel Related POSTS WILL BE AUTHORISED!
Look at Very TOP RIGHT Hand Side and you will see a notification acknowledging your Business Login NAME and Image.
You can HOVER a DROPDOWN Menu there that will let you access your Profile and more ACTIONS.
At Very TOP LEFT Hand Side there is another website notification that you are able CLICK to DROPDOWN your DASHBOARD.
In the ADMIN DASHBOARD you are able to ACTION listed MENU Items for example: CLICK “POSTS”: All Posts / Add New
To ADD NEW POST, Click and it will open a page that you can complete to add a POST about your Rental Property (which may be about Customer Feedback or Customer Reviews which is not able to be included in your “Ad Managment” Listing) to the website. [AFTER review by Admin]
To LIST Accommodation Property in the database for FREE display CLICK “Ad Management”
Select your Property Categorys and complete all Fields for Advertisement Listing of your accommodation.
ONLY ACCOMMODATION or TRAVEL Related POSTS WILL BE AUTHORISED [AFTER review by Admin]! ANY SPAM or other type posts will be DELETED!
It is fairly easy to work out what you want to type and where to type it. Other Boxes and Items can be selected if required.
You can TEST DISPLAY the POST to see what it will look like when it is Approved and Displayed on the website by the Administrator.
You can submit a post and images of your Rental Property of any type, Hotel, Motel or ANYTHING ACCOMMODATION RELATED.
Best Regards, Greg, Administrator.